Tuesday, September 6, 2011

My Big Issue with adversiting

Advertisers have one goal in mind: to make money and sell the products. My biggest problem is advertisers aiming this at young children. If you sit down and watch Nickelodean on a Saturday morning you will see countless ads about unhealthy foods, video games, and useless toys.  Chances are if you watching Nickelodean with a child after the commercial they will look at you and say " I want that."  Even though the child says they want it, doesn't mean they get that cool new toy.  But the matter of weather they get the toy or not is not the problem.  The problem is these ads are teaching young children to fall under the spell of wanting everything they see with the hopes that when they are older they will not fall out of this spell. Personally I think that if these advertisers are planning on advertising all these unhealthy things to children, they need to switch up their goal.  They, in turn, could advertise things such as, fruit, vegetables, toys that make them active (such as a bike or rollerblades), and other ways they can stay active and healthy. Experts say our country had the highest rising rate for child obesity. Well, our country really doesn't have anyone else to blame but ourselves, especially when we are advertising these things to our children.

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